Change Miss. Management

It’s been so long since I’ve been here that WordPress have changed the UI. And I’m using UI in a sentence, so I guess I’ve changed too. I started this blog to develop my career, to be a voice for mental illness in the library profession, and to assuage my own ego. And I stillContinue reading “Change Miss. Management”

Another five months… (or, emotion sponges)

I have now finished all of my LISM modules and have chosen to do my dissertation over the next year, rather than over this summer, and the relief of this is inexpressible. The past year has been a (mostly undocumented) whirlwind. I have studied and completed various courseworks, I have done a course of CBTContinue reading “Another five months… (or, emotion sponges)”

Five months absence (CBT)

I haven’t written a blog post for five months. I won’t feel bad about it though, because they have been some of the busiest months of my life, and anyway, five months isn’t so bad. I used to create a blog, post twice, then forget about it for a year, so really, the sum totalContinue reading “Five months absence (CBT)”

Help me publicise Emilie’s chapter!

In November, I started working quite regularly with a woman named Emilie, who has been studying a foundation year course on our campus, and who spends a lot of time in the library. We have now become very close friends, and now that both of our courses are done for the year (I say thatContinue reading “Help me publicise Emilie’s chapter!”

Doing a Library MA: DON’T (Just Kidding)

It is May. I’m forcing myself to post today because if I don’t it will be June. I started drafting this post in January, so to give a more accurate overview of how this first year in library work and library study has gone (and make myself feel like I can find positivity in havingContinue reading “Doing a Library MA: DON’T (Just Kidding)”

In defence of talking to yourself (yes, including in public!)

In these heady days of wireless headsets and Bluetooth devices, you would think people would be getting a bit less judgemental about those people who casually walk around muttering to themselves. But as a person who owns neither of those pieces of tech, yet can frequently be found walking around grumbling to myself, I can tell you that thisContinue reading “In defence of talking to yourself (yes, including in public!)”

Library anxiety (not mine, yours)

I have an annotated bibliography and reflective report due in essentially 18 hours so this is the last thing I should be doing right now, but there’s a concept I’ve come across in my research for said bibliography that I want to explore a little. Partly because it is almost the inverse of this blog’sContinue reading “Library anxiety (not mine, yours)”